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LOVE: DOES TRUE LOVE EXIST? IF SO, WHAT IS IT? Love. We all want it. But in reality, love can be a tricky business. Our question today is does True Love exist? If it does, is there a real Mr or Mrs Right, or can we transform our relationships into the perfect Love for us?...
How to Have Confidence- 11 Easy Tips (Regardless of the outside world!) As the Global situation progresses, some of us can see a light at the end of the tunnel, but for others, a real clarity of vision for the future is still difficult. But, there are ways to feel more certain, happy and confident...
Setting Personal Goals for 2022 and Beyond Live your best life now! How do you feel about some goal setting for 2022? Yes, we know, it’s only November, but look how fast 2021 is whizzing by! Here at Psychic Pages many of our Spiritual and Life Coaches are already busy mapping out what they want...
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE! DIGGING DEEP GIVES GREAT REWARDS! 19 NOVEMBER 21 FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE TAURUS 08:57:10 UT+0.00 Full Beaver Moon by Lucy pin 4552 Yes, Eclipse Season is upon us again! This powerful Full Moon in sturdy Taurus will sit directly opposite the deep, mysterious and penetrative Scorpio Sun, where all the creepy...
2021 Predictions; Universal Year 5 Freedom Calls! Our 2021 predictions, did we get them right? In January, we wrote some 2021 predictions and sent them out to clients in our regular newsletter. We based these purely on the numerology of this universal year 5. Learn about what we predicted and where we are with those...
KARMA: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Somewhere along our Life Paths, we have all come across the word Karma. But do we actually know what it means and how Karma works? If you look up the definition of Karma, it originally means action, effect or fate. If you delve further, there are many different meanings...
Life Path Numbers: Do You Know Yours? How Numbers Can Show You the Right Path! Life Path numbers are an essential part of numerology. Everything in our world and in our universe is constituted of numbers. Numbers are absolutely everywhere and control the things we do. In fact, these days, in the age of computing...
Relationship Questions: What does he think of me? Relationship questions are among the most popular questions asked to our Psychics. And one in particular is “What does he think about me?” Here, Lucy pin 4552 tells you what the signs are of what he thinks, whether he cares or not, even if he is head...
What Is Reiki- The Answers are Here! By Sophia Angelini, Pin 6921 What is Reiki? First of all, the word means Universal Life Force. This is the Life force which governs the natural order of everything within, upon and around the earth. This includes the magnetic energy field surrounding the earth, to which we ourselves...
Practising affirmations is a very effective way of controlling and directing your psychic energy. An affirmation is a positive statement which you use to change your reality. Our thoughts become things in the world. In fact, nothing really exists without us thinking it first.
Our psychic energy therefore follows the statements we concentrate upon throughout the day. Thus, we manifest what we focus on in our minds. Negative affirmations can consequently send us off track quite quickly. Sometimes we talk to ourselves in a way we would never talk to anyone else!