About Amanda

Life can sometimes be a challenging voyage in which we are all seeking the lessons of love. We may find ourselves in unexpected situations along our life path and may wish to seek insight through the message of spirit guides. This maybe all we need to encourage us on our personal journey. I am a natural psychic and card reader and I mostly enjoy giving general readings where I focus on priorities in one’s life. I cover Love/Relationships, Career & Work, Future readings, Psychic Development along with House moves and relocations. My favourite tool is my psychic senses. I connect to my inner senses to see and hear my guides who show me the insight to pass onto the client either in picture or sound form; I also use my empathic abilities. Alongside this, I can work hands free/no tools or with Oracle, Angel Cards or a pendulum. I have been reading professionally for over 5 years now but in my spare time I enjoy walking in nature as it really relaxes and grounds me. Painting and drawing are something I did as a small child and this has made a reappearance in my life over the last few years since attending a psychic art workshop. I look forward to connecting with you.

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