
Many of our trusted Psychics are also Counsellors. A Counsellor has been trained to give guidance and coaching, to make personal progress. A Counsellor can be useful when you have issues that need to be overcome, or if you feel you are not reaching your full potential. Issues that may benefit from counselling are how you feel about yourself, problems in relationships, being able to put yourself forwards for advancement and more. We have many Psychics and trusted Tarot Readers who are also qualified Counsellors. This combination of skills can give you an all-round reading that is both spiritual and practical, giving you illuminating insight in order to advance in a new and positive manner.
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    Aura Readings, Chakra Balance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Counsellor, Dream Analysis, Life Coaching, Medium, Natural Psychic, Pendulum, Psychic Development, Tarot Cards

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    Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Aura Readings, Chakra Balance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Colour Therapy, Counsellor, Dream Analysis, Life Coaching, Medium, Natural Psychic, Past Lives, Pendulum, Psychic Development, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Remote Viewing, Tarot Cards

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