By Trevor Pin 6610
Meditation. It is not an understatement to say that meditation is the foundation for all psychic work. The simplest form of this is grounding, which usually takes just a few minutes. Grounding is a process of reconnecting with the earth to cleanse and renew your energies. You only need to sit and in your mind’s eye, picture yourself growing roots into the earth. Once you have done this, you simply picture positive power flowing up from the earth. Then you picture drawing this power upwards into your chest. Often, you will feel a surge of energy bubbling up within you.
Everyone Can Meditate!
Despite the obvious benefits of meditation, people often feel they are very bad at it, which puts them off from even trying. This is usually because they have a set stereotype of the subject. This may involve a yogi sitting cross-legged on top of a mountain while contemplating the meaning of life for three weeks! While there are a few people like this, even a complete beginner can reap the benefits of meditation from day one.
Firstly, you need to find a time and a space where you can relax. You need to be able to meditate reflectively and without external pressures. Personally, I use short meditations every day. Then I use longer meditations about three times a week.
Start by closing your eyes and resting for three minutes, allowing your mind to dwell on the moment. Do not be afraid to let your mind drift. Remember that nothing is wasted when you meditate. At the very least, you discover rest and peace. Even distractions usually have a hidden message to enrich your day. Keep a pen and paper handy for noting insights and distractions, so that you can mentally move on during the meditation.
There are four main forms of meditation. You can therefore experiment with these, to find what works for you. Meditation is a journey of discovery, where you will constantly learn new things.
Respiration Meditation
This form is based on the observation of your breathing. With your eyes shut, inhale positivity and exhale negativity. This is a wonderful way to start or finish the day.
Visual Meditation
Many people find it easier to meditate while they concentrate on an image. I sit and fix my eyes on a chosen crystal, but there are endless options you can employ.
Activity Meditation
Meditation doesn’t have to be about sitting still and being quiet. Choose a simple activity to free up your mind to reflect and contemplate. I like to draw while meditating. Then I use the picture as part of a visual meditation.
Musical Meditation
Music can help us to focus in a particular way for a set time or on a set emotion. This can help us to meditate with greater intensity. Just play some relaxing music you enjoy, close your eyes and breathe. Allow your mind to travel where the music and your thoughts take you.
Above all, the fact is that you cannot go wrong in meditation; it is all about finding your personal preferences. Each morning, I meditate and draw the images I see in my mind. Time and time again, during that day, often during psychic readings, the pictures become relevant.
I truly encourage you to build psychic meditation into your daily routine, because it will be real journey of discovery!
Trevor is a spiritual teacher and psychic. He gives regular guidance on the Psychic Pages phonelines, bringing positive insight and leading you on your path to happiness and success. His Pin is 6610 and you can read more about him here