By Luna Pin 6853.
NLP techniques have become a part of my life. I don’t know where being psychic and being an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioner begins and ends. I am also a big believer in the universal law of attraction and apply this law to my life every day. This interesting combination of spirituality, forward focused coaching and applying the law of the universe, is now very much part of who I am.
As a psychic, I am open hearted and positive while giving readings. These states are necessary for NLP coaching and applying the law of attraction which leads to both being part of readings. NLP training has taught the importance of listening to clients. Often, I am able to identify what a client says as a behaviour associated with the emotion a client is feeling. For example, if a client was to say “Why can’t I get over my ex?” I would immediately identify this as a limiting belief and the behaviour of not choosing to get over an ex-partner.
As I psychic, I would have a picture of the future of the client. Consequently, I know when they will get over their ex. Knowing the law of the attraction, I would share a few tools with a client for changing their thinking. This then helps them to focus on what they want.
Combining Spirituality and NLP Techniques
Spirituality is a state that I am constantly in as a psychic. Being psychic is not a state that can be switched on and off. From the time I understood I was psychic and aware of vibrations of energy I have been unable to switch off. Silencing the mind as a psychic is as important as cleansing the cards after a reading.
Meditation has a very important place in my life. As a psychic giving regular readings, I meditate to silence my mind and cleanse my energy after readings. Creating the state that you want to be in, is a teaching from both NLP techniques and the law of attraction. I use meditation in many ways and I mediate to manifest what I want in my life. The cross over between NLP and the law of attraction reinforces the teaching, what I know and experience from applying both NLP techniques and the law of my attraction are now blurred.
The melting pot of spirituality and NLP
The realisation that I am psychic came long before I began studying NLP and the law of attraction. Being psychic has given a curiosity to know more about people and understand the Universe. I actually didn’t learn to read the angel tarot cards until after I had studied NLP. By the time I started giving readings I had been using NLP skills and law of attraction tools in my life for years. My psychic reading style was developed with NLP and the law of attraction deeply rooted in my outlook on life. Understanding that I was psychic took years to uncover.
I didn’t realise that I was psychic until I was in my early twenties. Then, I was able to join up the dots of multiple experiences where I just knew the answer to various situations.I had feelings that I now understand to be psychic insights. I took quite a long time to accept that I was psychic. In fact, I was a nonbeliever for many years before accepting my psychic ability. Using my spiritual gift with what I have studied and learned during the journey of psychic awakening has been a very rewarding experience. I am very happy to be able to pass this on to clients.
Luna is regularly available for readings on Psychic Pages. Find out more about her in her profile and see when she is available here