Life Path Numbers: Do You Know Yours?
How Numbers Can Show You the Right Path!
Life Path numbers are an essential part of numerology. Everything in our world and in our universe is constituted of numbers. Numbers are absolutely everywhere and control the things we do. In fact, these days, in the age of computing and apps, almost everything is controlled by binary numbers 0 and 1! And what about the way that time, dates, certain years, all rule our lives? Are these pure coincidences or is there an underlying message?
In the laws of mathematics , truly random numbers do not exist. And actually, each of us also has our own very important personal number. Did you know that this can be used to see your way ahead? Find out how, here!
Begin by doing a quick calculation using your birthdate. So, let’s say that your birthdate ( which we have picked entirely at random!) is 17th November 1984.
Now, let’s take the day, month and year separately and then, reduce each result down to a single digit
17th= 1+7 = 8
The month of November is the 11th month so 1+1 = 2
1984 = 1+9+8+4 =22, then 2+2 = 4
So, your final numbers to work with are 8+2+4 = 14, then 1+4 = 5
This works for everyone, except there are also 3 “special Master Numbers” which are 11, 22 and 33. So if your Final life path numbers total is one of those, you have an extra special life path number, as well as reducing down to your final figure. Try this addition out for you, your family members and friends and see if this resonates!
Each Life path number has its own energy. Just being here in this life and simply knowing and recognising this may therefore give you some guidance. Of course, life is filled with ups and downs, so each life path number will also have its challenges to face that accompany its number as well as a positive purpose.
In brief;
Lifepath 1; The Leader; action, initiation, adventurous spirit.
Lifepath 2; The Mediator; quest for balance, sensitive, empathic, love.
Lifepath 3; The Communicator, source of creativity, furnishing ideas
Lifepath 4; The Practical Constructor, realist, logical, building structure
Lifepath 5; The Adventurer-Discoverer; inspiring, brave, progressive
Lifepath 6; The Carer; nurturing, helping, problem solving
Lifepath 7; The Intuitive Investigator-Analyst; wise, astute, ability to see niches
Lifepath 8; The Driven; receiving abundance, ambitious, hard-working, spiritual
Lifepath 9; The Transformer; often humanitarian, an old spirit, the Educator
Lifepath 11; (Master Number) (see also Lifepath 2) the Enlightened, psychic, intuitive, healing
Lifepath 22; (Master Number) ( see also Lifepath 4) The Builder Transformer- leaving legacies that take us forwards.
Lifepath 33; The Spiritual Master; A vibrational being, which doesn’t always mean that real life is easy!
Now you know your lifepath number, there are so many ways of having a greater consciousness on what is and what is not a priority on your life path journey. This can also help pinpoint areas where you have less success and which you have the option to change. Numbers can therefore be used as indicators, even to help with important decisions. So, here are some things you can look at, where you may find some revelations.
- The birthdate of significant others. Always arguing with someone? Perhaps they have an even life path number and you have an odd number or vice versa. Or perhaps you can see how your 2 lifepaths may have a conflicting point of view, from the information given on your lifepaths above, and you can therefore understand why you both see things differently. In beautiful resonance? Perhaps you both have odd numbers or both have even numbers. Consequently, your lifepaths work in a complementary way.
- Door numbers. Have a look at what number the houses you have lived in were, are there any coincidences? Were you happy or unhappy there? Also, what happened on your path of progress while you were there?
- What were your best years? Or best dates? Do these resonate with your life path number or the life path number of a significant other?
- Look out for dates that add up to your lifepath number and watch what happens! It is interesting to have a journal to take notes, or to jot this in a diary.
- You can apply this to anything, bus numbers, your car number plate, even the time you look up at a clock and see the time… Numbers will start leaping out at you with meaning. As a rough guide, if the numbers you see are in line with yours, such as odd numbers with odd, or even with even, then this resonates with you. Thus, if it is the same number as your life path number, you will probably feel a green light for go!
Now that you have this awareness, you can also use your lifepath number to make certain decisions and choices. So quite simply, the more you are aware, the more you will see how numbers can help in showing you the way. Astrologers and numerologists also can use numbers as a means of carefully predicting things for you. Interestingly, if they also use cards, the numbers will also often directly resonate with your life path number and the meanings can then often be delivered in a way that makes you go “Oh Yes, that is so right!”
Consciousness of numbers can be fun, exciting and take you down new and interesting paths. And tell us if we are wrong, because numbers really can show us the way forwards! Have a look at some of our expert numerologists who can guide you on numbers and dates when you need them!