
The Pendulum is a useful Psychic tool that can be used in several ways. For example, Pendulums may be used by water dowsers to find sources of water beneath the earth. A Pendulum can be any weighted object on a chain or a piece of string, such as a ring or pendant. However, for Psychic readings, the Pendulum is usually a crystal. The Pendulum can give yes or no answers. Your trusted Psychic will usually have a trusted Pendulum, that is pre-programmed to swing one way to show yes answers, another for no answers and a third method to say unsure, or that the outcome has not been determined yet. Your Psychic will ask questions to the Pendulum on your behalf. The Pendulum will then swing in a certain direction to answer yes or no to your questions. Try a Pendulum reading for clarity and answers to your important questions today!
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    Aura Readings, Chakra Balance, Clairsentience, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Natural Psychic, Pendulum, Psychometry

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