Real Ghost Story- The Unexpected Visitor
by Poppy pin 6885
Here is my real ghost story.
I went to a land,
Where there’s no one there,
And met a man,
Who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there yesterday,
And he wasn’t there today.
I wonder how he is,
The man that wasn’t there.
This is my own true and very real Ghost Story, It is my personal encounter with a ghost.
Sensing Something was Wrong
After a hard day at work, where I had dealt with some particularly difficult customers, (don’t you just love them!) my body and brain ached all over. Consequently, all I wanted was a hot bath and bed. Feeding the hungry kittens, I made myself a hot mug of coffee, and collapsed onto the large comfy sofa, and closed my eyes. However, the last thing I thought I would experience is to live out my own real ghost story!
As hard as I tried to unwind, I was finding it difficult. A great feeling of uneasiness came over me. It was as though I was waiting for something to happen. But what?
After some supper and a bath, I curled up again on the sofa and read a book. I must fallen asleep because I was woken with a start, the kittens had jumped on me wanting to play. As I came to, I could smell smoke. Gently moving the kittens of me, I therefore quickly went through the house to check where the smell was coming from. But I couldn’t find the source. Looking at my watch, I saw it was 10.30pm.
I told myself I was imagining things. My neighbour sometimes had a little fire to burn leaves and old wood. I could probably smell the scents from that. I was about to go to bed when totally out of the blue, the scent of smoke wafted past me again, but this time, it was stronger. And it wasn’t the smell of pine that I had smelt earlier, this time it was tobacco, cigar tobacco.
The Ghost in My House!
Suddenly, I felt something or someone slowly walk past me. I froze. Now trembling all over with fear, I tried hard to pull myself together. It was really hard. A great sense of loneliness engulfed me. For a split second, I could hear someone breathing close by me. So, I slowly sat down clutching a pillow for comfort. The tears now streaming down my face, and my voice shaking I said out loud ‘Whoever’s there, please, please go away’. A thin white mist floated past me. Next, the shape of an elderly man briefly appeared, looking straight at me, then equally quickly disappeared. I was terrified. I had just seen a ghost.
Having composed myself, I walked upstairs to bed. But as I turned into the bedroom, I was suddenly aware of someone behind me. Turning quickly, an ice-cold sensation went through me. But there was nothing there. As I was about to get into bed, I was stopped in my tracks. To my left, I was immediately aware of the sound of a rocking noise, like an old creaking rocking chair, rocking to and fro.
My Real Ghost Story!
It seemed to be coming from the left side of the bed. As I looked in total disbelief, the outline of the elderly man that I had seen earlier appeared in front of me. He was sitting in a large rocking chair, and he looked as though he was smoking a pipe.
A few days later I discovered that forty-five years earlier, a man called Arthur, who had once lived there, had died in that room. I also learned he was a carpenter by trade. He had even made the rocking chair himself. His body had been found in a rocking chair, exactly where I had seen him in it. He had loved smoking cigars and a pipe. He had died between 10 and 10.30pm.
Eighteen months later, I moved house, little did I realize I was to have Arthur follow me, but he did. Though I never actually saw him again, I did for the next ten years smell his tobacco on numerous occasions. On two occasions I even heard a male voice call my name. His tone was soft and welcoming, it was almost as though he never wanted to say goodbye to me.
So that is my real life ghost story!

Poppy is a psychic medum, with decades of experience. She gives very straight, honest readings here at Psychic Pages. While she is compassionate and very open minded, she doesn’t sugar coat. Try a reading with Poppy today for stunning insight and uplifting guidance. See her full profile here
What an amazing and warm lady. Poppy immediately put me at ease and she was accurate and spot on with her validations. She told me about a situation with my house move which happened immediately after speaking to her. Thank you Poppy x