Revelations in Psychic Readings!
People tend to want an explanation of why things have happened like they have, or what might happen in the future. Some psychic readings just concern clarity in puzzling or confusing circumstances. Other people want to know what will happen depending on choices that they make. And others still want guidance regarding choices that may be made for them by another person.
Past, Present or Future Psychic Readings?
Almost all psychic readings start in the present. You would think that most people would only want to know about the future. But the future only exists going forwards from the here and now. It’s a bit like a journey from A to B. Imagine there is a cross roads between A and B and all roads can get us to Rome eventually. But there is a shorter path. Or there may be a more enjoyable “scenic” path that might take us a little longer to arrive, but we will have learned a few useful things along the way. Alternatively, we might have an important experience if we follow the longer path. Which one would be the right path for you?
The answer to this is, it depends on the situation we are talking about and the circumstances. If someone wants a new job now, they often don’t want to take the “scenic” path. They just want their new job right away. This is therefore the question they will ask their psychic; “When will I get a new job?” You see here how the present is important, as we are moving forwards from now. In fact, often the person asking this question wants the answer to be as close as possible to today and not far in the distance tomorrow! Some important factors for this reading might also even be in the past. People might want to know, for example if they have already applied for their dream job!
Why the Now Counts Tomorrow
In fact, it is often the psychics understanding of the current situation that allows them to see both the past and the future. By locking into the CURRENT energy, the psychic can then see forwards and backwards, using the present as a pivotal point. When they lock into current circumstances, it is this energy that acts as a springboard to them seeing into the future, as well as into the past.
It is true therefore, that while most people ask questions that are about the future, both the present and some past aspects could be important.
You would think that nobody would actually ask a psychic a question about the past. After all, the past is in the past, right? Well…. No. For some people do want to ask about the past. “Did he or she really love me?” or “Will what I did yesterday affect my circumstances?”. The past can also play an important part of some readings. It can also give your psychic a kind of run up of events that lead to the present situation being as it is.
Whether the psychic reading contains aspects of the past, the present or the future, what is important is your personal progress moving forwards. Getting to where you want to be. And so you can get to where you want to be, you may need to follow certain steps to ensure that progress.
Psychic Questions
The most popular psychic questions concern the outcome of situations. But in addition to that, people ask what steps might be needed to take to reach a particular outcome. Sometimes people don’t know which path to take or what to do next. They are simply not happy in the here and now and don’t know how to change that. Sometimes they feel stuck and want movement in their lives. I this case, people want something that is stuck to become unstuck! And this is so they can be happier, more confident, better off.
Many readings also concern someone else and what decision they may take. That person might be a significant other, a boss, or a family member for instance.
It doesn’t matter if this is a love and relationship reading, a career reading or one simple psychic question that concerns family or money. Each person’s situation is particular to them. But it is by reading the past and the current energy that the psychic will be able to pick up on your future.
Spirit Readings, Spiritual Development and more
Apart from psychic readings, quite a few people are interested in spiritual development. Many people feel they have experienced, or wish to have, contact with spirit.
In this case they usually speak to a medium who specialises in communication with the spirit world. They may ask if there are any messages from a passed loved one, or they may want to ask about their spirit guides. This may be a whole reading, or just part of their psychic reading.
But whatever type of reading people want, they usually want clarity, enlightenment and often they want guidance on their path. And that is exactly what our psychics are here for, to give you exactly that. See our available psychics here