DÉJÀ VU: Real Experiences

Have you had a deja vu experience? Discover some true life deja vu stories here, and add yours too!
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In his book Catch-22, Joseph Heller describes déjà vu as follows: “a weird, occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before in some prior time or existence”. As we will see from these true life Deja vu stories from our psychics and among our support team, Deja Vu is a common experience. Yet, in each case, it happens in a singular fashion that is meaningful to the person who experiences it. Deja Vu can be life changing and cause spiritual transformation……
By Daisy Mirach, Psychic Investigator for Psychic Pages
One day, when I was living in Greece, I got out of the bath, popped on my dressing gown and went out into the hallway. The bathroom was now behind me. Opposite was my bedroom. Looking through the bedroom door, was my boyfriend, lying on quite a rumbled bed, watching Tv. The volume on the Tv was pretty loud. It was night time, so the electric blinds were down and locked. To the left of the bedroom door in the hallway was a dressing table and mirror. I took out my hairdryer and started drying my hair.
A few moments later, I remembered something I wanted to ask my boyfriend. So I put down the hairdryer and took a couple of steps to enter the bedroom. The Tv was still on, the volume was loud as could be, but my boyfriend had disappeared! The bed was now made perfectly, just like in a hotel. But this was impossible…..
Firstly, my boyfriend would have been incapable of making a bed up like that. And secondly, there was no way he could have left the room without passing me. Regardless of that fact, I looked under the bed, opened the cupboards and was convinced he was playing a joke on me. I called his name loudly. In my head a battle was going on. I had had a profoundly weird senses of déjà vu when I entered the room and saw the bed made that way, a way I would never make up a bed either. Logic was telling me this couldn’t happen, but I was experiencing another reality. This very fact made me feel quite dizzy.
My boyfriend was not in the bedroom. I wondered if it was humanly possible that he had gone across the tiny hallway into the bathroom without me seeing him in the mirror when I was drying my hair. But, I had a full view of the bathroom door behind me.I took a look in the bathroom anyway. I then made my way down the hallway and searched every room in the house. I even looked behind the sofa! All the time, I was calling my boyfriend’s name. The front door and kitchen door were both locked from the inside. But despite this I opened both and stepped outside, again calling and yelling “ where are you?”
My boyfriend was nowhere. And what was really weird, is that there was no noise or movement, except for the television, still blaring out in the distance. I have several cats and there is always one or two knocking around. But right now, no cat, no noise inside or outside. In fact it was so quiet, you could almost hear the air hiss.
In the end, still incredibly puzzled and with an odd sense that reality had escaped me, I went back towards the bedroom. And guess what? There was my boyfriend lying on a rumpled bed, just as he had been before, watching the tv. “Where did you go?” I asked. He looked at me strangely and replied “ What do you mean?” When I asked him again, he told me he hadn’t moved. I believed him, as honestly, there had been nowhere to go!
“But didn’t you see me coming into the room a few minutes ago?” He had seen me just after I came out of the bath, but not the second time. He hadn’t heard me calling. To him, 5 minutes had passed since I had gotten out of the bath. To me, it was at least 20 minutes!
I don’t know what happened that day. It was like time stood still in one place and I entered a parallel universe! I do remember in the parallel universe, things were extraordinarily clean. There was not a fragment of dust. When I speak to other people, they ask if I was under the influence of alcohol or drugs!! But I was not at all. And it was not a dream. Even to this day, 20 years later, I remember walking around, opening cupboards, can feel the sensation of unlocking the front door. My experience was real enough and really happened!
At this time though, I was undergoing spiritual changes. I had just recently met my Reiki Master, received my Reiki 1 initiation and was doing a lot of spiritual reading. But this event knocked me for six! In hindsight I feel I was given given a glimpse of the vastness of the spiritual universe. That past and present and future can change and that there are different dimensions. I guess I am lucky to have had the opportunity to see another plane of existence, and to experience it for myself!
By Debs- Psychic Pages Management
Way back in the 70s I decided to take a break from working in London. I had always wanted to travel and through my NZ flatmates, who I was sharing a home with at the time, the opportunity to work as a “Supercook” for Contiki Travel came up. This was a bus tour company, that at the time took mainly Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans on a 3/6 or 9 week tour around Europe/ Scandinavia and Russia. As I also loved to cook this was a great opportunity for me to combine the two.
I did three tours around Scandinavia and Russia and my next tour was to Europe for six weeks. We crossed the border through to Italy and I immediately felt like I had been here before. It was like I knew the food, how to prepare Italian food (remember this is the 70s where there were no cooking shows except for Fannie Craddock!!!) and even seemed to understand parts of the language.
We arrived for a 5 day stop in Florence and the courier said he would walk with me to the food market. We walked across the main square and there in front of me were a myriad of little streets. I turned to the courier and said, “Its ok I know where I am.” I led him up the right streets, through another and so on for quite a while. Then there in front of me was the magnificent Florence Food Market, that had stood there for many centuries.
What happened next was even more exciting. For a few seconds there in front of me was a scene of 16th century dressed people, bustling about the filthy streets, carcasses hanging in doorways, animals everywhere. I seemed stuck to the spot. As fast as it happened my vision cleared and I was back in the 70s. The courier turned to me and said “How did you know where to go if you haven’t been here before, and are you ok as you went as white as a sheet?”
I eventually ended up living in Florence for 9 months and always knew where I was going, even though I hadn’t been there before. To me, I was simply visiting a place I really had been to in a previous life, or one of my ancestors knew the way round already. This magical event will stay with me for my entire life.
By Phil the Artist
When I was about 5 years old we went on holiday to the Isle of Wight. My parents took my sister and I for a day out to Carisbrooke Castle. As well as many other things, it was mainly known from 1660 as a prison for important Royalists. The most notable of these was Charles 1, who was there from from 1647-8. Charles 1 was, however, housed with some ceremony with members of his own household looking after him.
I, of course, was more interested in seeing the famous Donkeys that live there and playing in the tower. As we crossed over the drawbridge I saw an amazing scene playing out in front of my eyes! I thought maybe it was being acted out by actors. Court Jesters, food being prepared, washing hanging from the windows, and the smells of rotting food and animal poo. The scene was so incredibly real! I remember thinking how I wasn’t at all afraid and how I wanted to join in. I was brought back to the present day by my mother telling me to stop dawdling and to stop scuffing my shoes. I tried to explain what I had just experienced but was told to be quiet!!!!
To this day if I ever go back to the IOW and walk past Carisbrooke Castle, I don’t see the scene I saw but I get the same sharp feeling of Deja Vu.
Yes, now its over to you! Share your Deja vu story with us in the comments section below. We will need to check it before posting to avoid unruly spammers, but promise we will post serious Deja vu stories!
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