Strange, I’ve seen this place before…. Discover what you need to know about Déjà vu here!
Have you ever walked into a room and had the most inexplicable feeling that you have been there before, even though you definitely haven’t? Have you visited a town or even a country for the first time, and discovered a sense of familiarity that shouldn’t be familiar at all? It’s a strange and exciting feeling that can stop you in your tracks!
This phenomenon we are going to explore today is called Déjà Vu. Translated from French into English it is ” “already seen.”
Déjà vu is the name given to that unsettling feeling we get when we feel we have been in the exact same situation at some time before. For around 30 seconds, we are convinced we have already lived that moment. Or, we have had an experience in this same place in the past. It is a sense of knowing that can be powerful and shocking. This feeling can knock us for six, make us feel heady, dizzy, even make our stomachs turn! So much so, that at times, it almost feels like we can predict what will happen next.
Then, as quickly as the feeling comes, it goes, and we are back to reality. Often, we are left feeling perplexed. To make matters even more interesting around 70% of the population have experienced Déjà vu. What is going on?
It was French philosopher, Emile Boirac who first gave the name to this feeling way back in the 1870s. Boirac had many theories as to what was going. These ranged from the Dual Processing Theory (more on that in a moment), right through to the Parallel Universe Theory.
To this day, no single theory has been confirmed as being 100% accurate. But there are some very interesting and enlightening possibilities….
Scientists tell us that Déjà Vu happens when your brain tries to connect a present experience with a past one, and fails. This is likely to be true in many cases!
However, there have also been many theories that it might just be that your intuition trying to communicate with you through the feeling of Déjà Vu.
Let’s look at the top three most researched theories.
One popular scientific theory as to why Déjà Vu happens, is looking at how our brain processes new information and how it stores long and short-term memories.
Back in 1963 a chap called Robert Efron tested this idea at the Veterans Hospital in Boston.
He found that a delayed neurological response causes Déjà Vu. Because information enters the processing part of the brain via more than one path, it is possible that occasionally this mixing of information might not synchronize correctly.
Efron found that the temporal lobe of our brain’s left side, sorts out incoming information. He also found that the temporal lobe receives this information twice. There is a slight delay between the two transmissions. Once, this happens directly. And, it happens the second time after its detour through the right side of the brain. If the second transmission is delayed, then the brain might put the wrong timestamp on that bit of information. Then , it could register this as a previous memory. That could explain the sudden sense of familiarity!
Hermon Sno, a Dutch psychiatrist, put forward the idea that memories are like holograms. They can be recreated into an entire three-dimensional image from any fragment of the whole. The smaller the fragment, however, the fuzzier the ultimate picture.
Based on this theory, we can say déjà vu happens when some detail in the environment we are currently in (a sight, sound, smell, etc) is very similar to a memory of our past and our brain recreates an entire scene from that memory. Childhood memories are a common source for this kind of Déjà Vu.
The theory relies on the idea that other universes exist alongside ours that we cannot see, even through a telescope. Believers think that Déjà Vu may occur when universes are in sync for a short moment. This results in the universes overlapping and you to feel as if you just did something, because in another universe you actually did!
The idea that we live among millions of parallel universes containing millions of versions of ourselves has always been a somewhat exciting possibility! For more about this theory, read on to see an exciting testimonial of a parallel universe!
Deja Vu can point to past life experiences, a clairvoyant dream, or matching vibrational frequencies. In all these cases, this experience occurs because you’re perceiving something with one of your five senses. And you have had that experience before, somewhere, at some time. It may have been in this lifetime, or in another one!
Did you know that each and every one of us carries an imprint of our ancestors? And this goes back for at least seven generations? So, that is back to your five times great grandparents!
Each generation of your ancestors passed down their wisdom and experiences to you, through your cells. When you experience Deja Vu, your present experience may have just triggered ancestral patterning or intelligence.
When you have Déjà Vu it could be that one of your ancestors may have learned something in their lives. This is also in your DNA. So, when you feel yourself stressing about something in your life, listen to that inner voice! Maybe it’s trying to give you advice. It could be your ancestor’s wisdom being activated in you!
If you believe in Past Lives, you will know that your soul has been in existence for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. You will have inhabited many bodies and lived in countless corners of the universe.
So, it makes sense that when Déjà vu occurs, it could be that you have walked this same street in another life. Or, perhaps, in a past life you had a similar experience or feeling, and this was exactly symbiotic with this current moment you are experiencing. Or ,when meeting someone you have never met, but are convinced you have, you may have met them in a past lifetime!
Another reason for experiencing a Déjà vu moment, is when your spiritual side is trying to communicate with the physical.
It could be that Déjà vu is a spiritual trigger. In this case, it is awakening your consciousness to the fact that there is something spiritual about you. It can also lead to a deep spiritual awakening.
To thrill you even further we present you with some true life Deja Vu stories here. You can also tell us yours!
Have you got your own Deja Vu story you need deciphering? Feel you need to know something about your past lives to make sense of something in your current life? Then get some clear cut psychic advice from one our past life experts or some genuinely illuminating spiritual insight from our trusted psychics.