Manifestation. Is it really possible to get whatever you want in your life? And if it is, how can you do it?
Well, the good news to begin with is that you don’t need to be called Aladdin and you don’t need a lamp with a Genie in it! Here, we tell you how to manifest what you want in your life, starting today.
Manifestation is the first of the 7 Laws of Attraction. This use of energy dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks and is a part of the universal natural laws. Such natural laws include the very basic laws of opposites such as black and white, night and day, hot and cold and of polarity which exist not only for us individually and on our planet, but also everywhere in the Universe. By tuning into the positive elements of these energies, it is an ancient secret that things change for you in a positive way.
Manifestation is a process of recognition, reception and acceptance. It is one of the links between humanity and the universal laws of energy. Manifestation begins with conscious thoughts, a will to want a better life and a true belief that we deserve whatever it is we want to manifest. Related to this are also our destiny and life purpose. In concentrating on our strengths and sending out intention for improvements to manifest themselves, the laws of universal energy are catalysed. Thus the simple act of thinking, concentrating and of intention when blended with universal energy, can actually make things happen.
To begin the process of manifesting what you want in your life, it is important to concentrate only on the positive and not on any negative elements. As manifestation starts from today, you are also going to need to start thinking in the present moment. This doesn’t mean you can’t think about the future and what you want to have happening for you in the days, weeks or months to come! It simply means that from today onwards, you are committed to manifesting whatever your dreams or desires truly are.
Manifesting what you want could envelope some sweeping and quite general elements, or could be pretty specific, according to your specific needs and desires. Initially, we wouldn’t recommend making a list of 27 different things to manifest. This is too much to work on. Also, generally speaking it’s never a very good idea to be greedy! This is the case especially when the gifts you receive are free!
First, look at areas in which you are blocked and think about why this is. Have the intention that you no longer want this situation to stay the same. Now look at and select the specific areas where you want something to manifest and concentrate on these areas one by one. Envisage how you want to feel about these. Thinking only using positive statements, start to formulate your manifestation phrases. To be a serious, you should really take a pen to paper. Make some notes, to make sure your phrases are selected with the greatest care and attention. Some examples:
I am healthy
I deserve to be happy and I am
I am getting fitter every day
I have the perfect love
I am earning the money I want to earn
I have the justice I deserve
I have great friends
I have a new car
Please note that saying phrases like “Make Leslie Smith love me” are not good manifestation phrases. We can’t make any other people do things. If you want the perfect love, then ask for exactly that, even if you think they are called Leslie Smith! If it’s meant to be, then Leslie Smith will manifest and show you their love anyway!
Some people say a prayer. Others look up the Archangel who is responsible for the area of life where they want to see something manifesting. And, some call on their passed loved ones to help. Some simply concentrate on the power of the Universe and universal energy. There are also ascended masters you may wish to look up and whom you feel resonate with your manifestation desire. Again, you should not rush this process of deciding. It requires some quiet moments of concentration. Doing it properly and selecting whom you will ask is therefore time well spent. For some more information on how to ask the Angels easily click here. And for a list of Archangels to ask for different reasons click here.
Now, with your feet flat on the floor, sitting in a relaxed position on a chair, on a bed or on your sofa, relax. Place your hands palm up in your lap, gently holding your piece of paper. The, close your eyes, take some deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe out feel your shoulders relax, then with the next breath out, your tummy relax and so forth. Let all the tension leave your body. Now say your prayer or ask the universe or your desired spiritual helper to help you to manifest your desires. Don’t be desperate. Just breathe and believe. When you feel completely relaxed call on the energy or energies you have chosen to help you. Convey any messages you wish to convey. Now read your phrases as they are on your piece of paper.
If you wish to be serious in your manifestation, we advise that you take 10 minutes a day to repeat the relaxation and tuning in process. Certainly, on a daily basis, you should take a few moments of calm and read your piece of paper. Look at your post-its also from time to time each day. But what you really have to do is to truly believe your manifestation can happen for you, that you truly deserve what you have asked for. If there are steps you can take to help this process along, then be conscious of these and do what you can to show your intention and commitment to manifesting your wishes.
Practicing gratitude daily also creates good energy to help your manifestation along. Sit during your quiet time and think about what you have to be grateful for today. You should also take opportunity for helping others whenever you can. Honestly, this “spreading of love” is a great boost of positive energy. In fact, anything at all you can do to create good energy will help your manifestation along.
Once you have sent your wishes up to the Universe, be conscious of what begins to happen for you. Walk through life with open eyes and use your senses to the full. Enjoy every moment you can in your day. Consequently, this good energy will help continue the manifestation process. A number of different stars have also used this process very successfully, but they are just people at the end of the day, many of whom had small beginnings.
So, take the time to use manifestation to bring you what you want. And if you need some help and guidance on your path, then our Lightworkers, Law of Attraction Specialists and Spiritual Guides are here to help you and illuminate your path, your opportunities and your full potential. See who is available right now, here. Believe in yourself. We do.